Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reciatl Jury and then Intercollegiate!!!

Well I figured I should blog now since I won't have a voice lesson this week because of Intercollegiate Honor Band. Tonight is my jury for my senior recital, and I am nervous as all get out. I know that I know the music, I'm just worried that I will forget a word or two and that the whole thing will come crashing down around me. The same thing happened at NATS with Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair, and I really don't want to have to re-jury for my recital. I just hope that I remember all the information for my composer's as well. The biggest songs for me, I feel, will be the one's that I did last semester, as well as my French. I have been practicing everything, but I think I am nervous simply because I've had them that long, and have felt more comfortable with them. I guess we'll see how it goes, I'll just try to be myself and let it all happen. Tomorrow a group of us leaves to play at the Nebraska Intercollegiate Honor Band, and then its spring break, full of observing and nonstop homework for other classes. I also have to finish a building project I started for a group here on campus, as well as polishing off my resume and updating it, along with compiling a professional portfolio for a mock interview I have on in late March. All that said, its gonna be a bumpy ride.


1 comment:

  1. I am just getting around to your blog, Eric! Hope you enjoyed your busy week! And I was so proud of you at your jury. It was phenomenal!
    Did we reschedule your lesson for this Thursday? Just wondering!


About Me

I'm a K-12 Music Education major, with my primary being voice and secondary being percussion.